This is the sermon for the Lenten Midweek 4 Service. The theme for our Lenten series in Facing the Cross.
This is the sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Lent.
This is the sermon for the Lenten Midweek 3 Service. The theme for our Lenten Series is Facing the Cross.
This is the sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent
This is the sermon for the Lenten Midweek 2 Service. The theme for our Lenten Series is Facing the Cross.
This is the sermon for the Second Sunday in Lent.
This is the sermon for the Lenten Midweek 1 Service. The series is titled Facing the Cross.
This is the sermon for the First Sunday in Lent.
Our Lenten Series is entitled Facing the Cross. This is the sermon for Ash Wednesday.
This sermon is for The Transfiguration of our Lord Sunday.