Where You There?

April 7, 2023
This is the sermon for Good Friday. Our Lenten series is Living Lent - As People of the Resurrection. The theme for this service is Passion.

Come Home!

March 29, 2023
This is the sermon for the Fifth Midweek Lenten Service. The theme for this year's Lenten Series is Living Lent - As People of the Resurrection. The topic for this…

Welcome Home!

March 22, 2023
This is the sermon for the Midweek 4 Lenten Service. The theme for this year's series is Living Lent - As People of the Resurrection. The topic for this evening's…
This is the sermon for the Midweek 3 Lenten Service. The theme for this year's series is Living Lent - As People of the Resurrection. The theme for this evening…

What Matters Most to God

March 8, 2023
The is the sermon for the Second Midweek Lenten Service. The theme for this years Lenten Series is Living Lent - As People of the Resurrection. The topic for this…