Christmas Day Worship

Peace Lutheran Church 200 W Arnold Avenue, Thomasboro, IL, United States

Join us for a Christmas Day worship service as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and King!

Church Voter’s Meeting

Peace Lutheran Church 200 W Arnold Avenue, Thomasboro, IL, United States

The Annual Church Voter's Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 15th after the service. Please plan on attending. The installation of Officers will then be held during worship on Sunday, January 22nd, during the Sunday worship service.


Peace Lutheran Church 200 W Arnold Avenue, Thomasboro, IL, United States

Please mark your calendars for a time of fellowship, food and games on Sunday, January 29th at 4:00 PM.

Easter Sunrise Service

Peace Lutheran Church 200 W Arnold Avenue, Thomasboro, IL, United States

Join us for Easter as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Ascension Day Service

Peace Lutheran Church 200 W Arnold Avenue, Thomasboro, IL, United States

We will once again be holding a worship service to celebrate Christ's Ascension into heaven.


Peace Lutheran Church 200 W Arnold Avenue, Thomasboro, IL, United States

Good Old-Fashioned Potluck will be held following the worship service! Meat, drinks and table service will be provided. Please join us!