Pastor’s Message

March/April 2024

“He will receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” (Psalm 24:5)
A prisoner on death row dreads the day when the footsteps of his jailers approach and he will be dragged away to the execution chamber. But when the footsteps do approach, they bring a message from the governor. New evidence has appeared in his case, and the governor has issued him a pardon. The footsteps that should have announced his death now bring freedom instead.
This is something like our story. As we approach the “mountain of the Lord” (Psalm 24:3), we know that we are guilty before Him and deserve nothing but dreadful punishment. But God tells us in His Word that in Jesus our punishment has been canceled and removed. And there’s more! “He will receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” In other words, God replaces the punishment we deserved with righteousness and blessing.
Holy Week and Easter are fast approaching. On Maundy Thursday we will take time to remember the Last Supper that Jesus celebrated with His disciples the evening before His death on the cross. The Gospels tell us many wonderful words and promises Jesus shared with His disciples that night – but none more important that the words He spoke as He established a sacred meal. “Take, eat; this is my body…Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:26-28).
It’s just as the psalm writer declared: Jesus feeds His people blessing and righteousness. He gives us Himself, His very body and blood – and with that incredible gift come all the blessings that Jesus sacrificed Himself to win us. Assurance of God’s love and favor. And incredible unity with Him. A true bond of fellowship with other believers who share that meal with us. All these things Jesus offers and gives His people as we gather and eat and drink His holy meal.
If you have been long absent from that wonderful supper, may Jesus’ words awaken in you the hunger to receive the blessings in His meal that only He can give. If you have been privileged to receive it regularly,may Jesus’ words keep you from taking that Sacrament lightly or for granted.
Blessing and righteousness are yours – only because Jesus came down to save. Be eager to receive it in His holy meal!
In Christ,
Pastor Stoerger